LOGOS provide an organized system for the AUDI prototype parts warehouse
LOGOS has successfully delivered a software solution to manage the complex warehouse for AUDI prototype parts at the AUDI headquarters in Ingolstadt Germany.
With approximately 1,500 individual components, ranging from wheel housings to engine parts, offered in many different material, shape and color combinations, the Audi development team were looking for a solution that could provide them with maximum warehouse functionality.
LOGOS provided a solution that assigned several key features to each prototype part in the warehouse management software but also offered the flexibility to be looked up and linked independently of each another.

Audi Technical Development in Ingolstadt, Germany develops the cars of tomorrow. From design to equipment and safety through to the development of new engine models, future standards are brought to series-production readiness. In order to turn their ideas into models, designers and engineers must be able to access an extensive, well-sorted and instantly available storage of car components.
The AUDI prototype parts warehouse stocks all the components that are required to produce a car. Many of these components are almost identical with only marginal difference.
Consider a wheel housing, in addition to the components typical master data, the software solution also needed to efficiently manage the additional combinations of material and color selections. These additional features had to be stored and maintained as well as actively incorporated into AUDI’s inventory management system.
Successfully partnering with AUDI, LOGOS developed a solution that enabled the user to specifically search for a red wheel house.
The solution even suggests alternatives, for example if a red wheel housing is no longer available in stock, then a blue one is recommended. Innovative logic ensures that illegal combinations are not permitted, for example a red passenger door is out of the question in terms of a replacement, for a wheel housing, due to the hierarchical structure of features.
For each single component, it is possible to individually determine which of the features must be taken into account and which properties should be treated as second or third tier.

While customizing the warehouse management software to meet onsite requirements, LOGOS enhanced the interface for data exchange between the logistics warehouse host system and LOGOS WMS. Stock removals, incoming stock and inventory adjustments can now be processed directly by the AUDI development department which significantly improved processing time.
The LOGOS developed customer portal, offers the AUDI development team a wide range of evaluation options, from inventory of pending orders to comprehensive reports. Goods Issues can now be initiated by AUDI with goods being delivered solely to AUDI, however, incoming stock can be handled by both AUDI and their external suppliers. All stock movements, within the warehouse, are processed using wireless scanners, with the software determining the appropriate storage bin via integrated storage and putaway strategies.
After transferring the inventory data from the old system to LOGOS WMS, the solution successfully went live, literally overnight, allowing users the following morning to continue working seamlessly with the new system.

With the integration of LOGOS WMS into the warehouse for prototype parts at AUDI in Ingolstadt, our client achieved the following results:
- Maximum flexibility in terms of master data structure. Several additional features can be recorded for each stored item and integrated into the search. These features can also be arranged hierarchically. In the event of a stock shortage, the system automatically suggests intelligent alternatives.
- Stock removals, incoming stock as well as inventory adjustments are processed directly by AUDI using a customized interface via the portal. The portal also offers a wide range of evaluation options from inventory of pending orders to comprehensive reports.
- The production cutover took place overnight, without any problems, after the migration phase of inventory data. Normal warehouse operations resumed the following morning with no negative impact.
- The continuous development of LOGOS WMS combined with our world class support, guarantees customers have an extremely economical solution with the highest possible investment protection.

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We know the various requirements of diverse industries
*AUDI and other AUDI products and services as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of AUDI AG, D-85045 Ingolstadt, Germany.